
I am a certified instructor by the Digital Learning Institute at University of California, Irvine (Spring 2021)

  • Proficient in iclusive course design

  • Understand digitial hybrid learning design supporting both in-person and online teaching

Course Instructor

SOC 161: Sociology of Sex and Gender (Summer II 2021)

Course Teaching Assistant


SOC 226A: Demographic Analysis


SOC 180AW: Sociology Majors Seminar

SOC 164: Sociology of Aging

SOC 161: Sociology of Sex and Gender

SOC SCI 164C: Prison Gangs


SOC 10A, B, C: Statistics of Sociology

SOC64: Sociology of Sexuality

SOC 62: Family and Intimate Relations

SOC 2: Globalization and Social Change

SOC 1: Introduction to Sociology